Monthly Archives: January 2011

Pyrography and painted trinket box


Busy busy busy….

So this past Christmas, my Hubby gave me the most amazing present I think I’ve ever gotten; a work bench in my craft room!!  Craftsman to be exact!  It’s got the awesome magnifier light and the comfy swivel seat that has the footrest bar along the bottom.  The best part is that there are bunch of drawers along the side that I absolutely love!!

Anyway, this is another box that looked absolutely beautiful without the color added to it.  I was pleasantly surprised when I was finished and it seemed to work out.  I wanted the color to stand out with bold colors and then the outside “leaves” to be more subdued.  I think it worked out pretty well.

Again, thanks for looking!!!

Pyrography and painted flower trinket box


Well, I’m back…

I know I haven’t posted in a while.  Between work and sort of being on a knitting kick lately, I finally sat down and did a few more jewelry boxes with the wood burning and paint.

I actually did this one a few months ago.  After I finished wood burning the image onto the box, I was almost tempted not to paint it.  However, I found that there is an amazing assortment of metallic paints that are readily available at my local craft store (yep, Michaels) and once I really started looking at the shelves and shelves of different paint, there is quite the variety available.

After randomly selecting the colors, as they felt right, I painted.

The only thing I’m disappointed with is that I’m having a really hard time getting the picture quality I like.  It’s very hard to see the metallic effects from this one.  I’ll actually try again when I seal it and see if it helps.

Thanks for looking!!!