Tag Archives: knitting design

Wow, I’m a little embarrassed…

Wow, I’m a little embarrassed…

I haven’t written in my blog since JUNE 2016??? Wow, that is embarrassing. Not only is that embarrassing, but where in the world did the last year go? At least winter 2017 is over.


Knitting…I have been doing my best to keep up with my knitting of baby blankets even though my latest hobby seems to be bouncing from doctor appointments to other doctor appointments.  It gets a bit old.  But, I have been knitting; two are chunky weights (yarn weight “Bulky” or #5 weight), and one worsted weight.

As always, the patterns can be found at:


This is affectionately called “Dapper Diamonds”; knit with a machine washable friendly wool/acrylic yarn blend, this simple yet bold design is a delight to look at and a breeze to knit because of it’s bulky yarn.

This flashy cabled lattice baby blanket is a deceptively easy repeating cable that creates an heirloom piece that can be cherished for a lifetime.  Knitted loosely with a cozy washing machine friendly acrylic, “Lovely Lattice” is a masterpiece to create for most any skill level of knitter.

Our final baby blanket is a simple knit/purl only baby blanket that is an incredible project for the beginner that is ready to make the next step in knitted.  Knitted with 100% acrylic Red Heart yarn, this pattern is a delight to the eyes! The traveling lines and the flashy pinwheels are impressive to everyone who looks at it, even the experienced knitter would be delighted to create this charming piece.


Again, these knitted baby blanket patterns, and many others, can be found at:


Please feel free to contact me if there are any questions.  Thanks!!!

I’ve expanded my “project” for making patterns for my knitting and crocheting!!

Banner for Cape Cod Stitchery; where my pattern designs will reside.

Cape Cod Stitchery; where the information regarding the knitting and crocheting patterns designs will reside.

Hello to my faithful followers!  I haven’t been around for a little while, because I’ve been a bit busy working on my latest project; not only have I been creating more baby blankets but I’m now actually writing down the patterns for the projects that I’ve designed and am in the process of creating PDF’s from them for publication and putting them up for sale (for a reasonable price even though they take quite a bit of time to create) on Etsy and Ravelry.

There are two main reasons for why I decided to finally make my own patterns.

First, and most importantly, I’ve discovered that the patterns that I see published in knitting/crocheting magazines look very complex and more time goes into deciphering the pattern than goes into creating it.  I guess that’s why I decided to start designing my own creations…it was just easier to do. Fairly recently, the software to create professional looking knitting and crochet charts has become obtainable, by people like me, who have enough of a working knowledge of graphics design to be able to make written charts and patterns clear and easy to follow.  This is so anyone that has a basic working knowledge of knitting and crocheting can accomplish them without frustration.

Secondly, I’ve discovered by looking at my own creations, that making something beautiful doesn’t need to be ridiculously hard to do.  I’ve had several people tell me, over the years, “That blanket looks so difficult to make, I can never do that!” even after I assure them that the projects are actually easy to do.  Since the “pattern” was in my head, trying to explain how to do it was nearly impossible.  I’ve resigned myself to making patterns that are not only clearly explained, with a chart provided if the project can be simplified by creating one, but to also provide step by step instructions (with images) of how a stitch is made.  I’ve also figured out how to create videos, for posting on YouTube, explaining the process as well.

With that said, designing and publishing simple and easily explained knitting and crocheting patterns is my objective.

I’m very close to posting my first pattern, that hasn’t been posted yet but will be shortly, so I’ve created another blog specifically for knitted and crocheted projects that I make, and sell, patterns for: http://capecodstitchery.com/; please pop over and take a look!  This is an image of the first blanket that I’m making a pattern for; a herringbone stitch baby blanket in sage green and off white stripes with an I-cord edge:

cropped herringbone blanket

I will still post my personally made projects here on Etch Stitch and Burn so please continue to pop in, from time to time, to see what I’ve been up to.

Thank you for all of the support!